Let’s be honest; getting overwhelmed sucks. The good thing is, there are ways to counteract this feeling. National Stress Awareness Day is November 3rd, and we want to celebrate by providing you with a few useful techniques to help you unwind when you’re overwhelmed. So sit back, relax, and get ready to clear your mind!
Light Some Incense
Lighting incense is the perfect way to calm yourself down. The soothing aroma of incense is said to help relieve stress and anxiety. It can also help increase focus and decrease overthinking. Take some deep breaths as the beautiful scent fills the room. Inhale…exhale…
Chill out with this incredible Galaxy Alien Incense Burner! Just put a stick of incense on this bad boy and light it up!
Cleanse out the bad vibes with this Love Spell incense by House of Tarot. This 100 pack of incense is sure to bring you calmness and clarity!
Several meditating techniques can help reduce stress, and we wanted to share one that works for us. Here’s how to get started with the beginnings of meditation:
- Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
- Concentrate on what you’re physically feeling in the moment.
- Start at your feet. Are they hot? Are they comfortable? What are you feeling? Think about it.
- Slowly work to your knees, torso, up to your head, and then back down.
- Remember to take your time and to stay patient. Meditation takes practice, so it’s important that you don’t give up.
- This trick can help reset your mind and put you in a great mood!
This simple exercise can help you refocus when you are feeling anxious. Even it’s brief, it’s important to step away once in a while and take a minute to let loose!
Keep a Journal
Another way to unwind when you have too much on your plate is to write about it. You shouldn’t keep your feelings bottled up. Keeping a journal can help you express emotions and improve your overall mood.
Jot down your thoughts in this officially licensed Ouija Journal. This spiritual notebook is great for venting your emotions. Grab a pen and get writing!
Arcane Book of Shadows Journal
Whether you’re hoping to find some clarity through writing or you just need a place to keep your wicked spells, this Arcane Book of Shadows Journal is perfect for you!
With these simple techniques, you can calm yourself down and start your day with a fresh perspective. Make sure to check out our site for any holistic needs and to follow our blog for more health and wellness tips. Stress: BE GONE!